Made in America

Made in America

Did you know that all of Legacy Chiller Systems parts and components are made right here in the USA? We are very proud that all of our products are American-made, and manufactured in the city of Telford, Pennsylvania. With HVAC month coming up in just a few days, there has been lots of recent talk […]

MRI vs. CT?

Ct scan vs MRI

You might not think so, but an MRI scan is very different from an X-Ray. Radiation: The main difference between the 2 are that there is no radiation involved in an MRI scan. An MRI scan  uses a strong magnetic field and pulses radio waves to make images of the inside of the body.  An […]

Medical Equipment Weathers the Storm


With so many natural disasters hitting the U.S. lately, one thing’s for sure…..medical facilities don’t have time to shut down. But how do hospitals and clinics pull it off during Mother nature’s disasters? Unfortunately, climate related disasters are becoming a more frequent common reality for communities all over the world. But don’t worry, most hospitals […]